call or text: 801-372-9266

Serving Southeastern Idaho and Northern Utah

Home Birth Supplies List
You probably have most of the things you need to have your baby at home-things like a warm room, water, and loving arms. As midwives we are skilled at making due with what we have so no need to stress. But here are some things that are really nice to have.
When you are feeling the need to nest...
Please gather all birth supplies into an easy-to-access area, such as a shelf, box, or plastic tote. When collecting items for your home birth, remember that they may get soiled or stained and need to be thrown away. We will salvage what we can, but please use linens that you don’t mind throwing away
Please clear the area around the bed and the pool, and clear the bathroom
​Please have a clear flat surface available for the midwife’s supplies in the room where you plan to give birth (kitchen table, dresser top, etc) with 2 cookie sheets or cutting boards on top
Prepare your bed as follows: Place a set of clean sheets on the bed. Next, place a waterproof layer big enough to completely cover your bed (plastic mattress cover, shower curtain, etc) to protect your mattress from fluids. Then put another set of clean sheets on the bed. You may want to remove other blankets, etc that you do not want to be soiled
Other items needed for the birth:
6-10 bath towels
2 washcloths
2 kitchen-size trash bags
1 tub of disinfecting wipes
1 roll of paper towels
2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide
1 bottle of rubbing alcohol
Laundry basket
Garbage can (kitchen size)
Bowl for your placenta
Camera, if desired
Nourishing, easy to eat protein foods
Electrolyte drink (examples: gatorade, body armour, liquid IV, coconut water, etc)
If you are planning a water birth:
Birth pool
Liner if you are borrowing a pool from the midwife
Tarp or shower curtain to go under the pool
New garden hose that reaches from the water source to the pool
Connectors needed to connect the hose to the water source
Fish net or fine mesh strainer
Comfort item ideas:
Lots of pillows
Music playlist
String lights and/or candles
Comfortable clothes
Heating pad or rice sock
Massage gun
Yoga/exercise ball
Postpartum Items:
Nighttime menstrual pads or depends
Peri bottle
Comfortable clothing items that have easy access for nursing
Preferred pain relief as needed (examples: Ibuprofen, acetaminophen, arnica, afterease, etc
Baby items:
Newborn diapers
Simple clothing
Swaddle blankets
Oral vitamin K, if you choose
In case of a transfer:
Emergency transfer form posted on your refrigerator
Car with a full tank of gas